Customer Support /

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Ace Your Customer Support Game With Customer Support Chatbots

June 12, 2020

Hardik Makadia

Co-founder & CEO, WotNot

Table of Contents

‘Customer service is the new marketing.’ The present-day customer has information at the tip of their fingertips, thanks to the internet era. With instantly accessible reviews and comparison apps, customers today are better informed and have high expectations from the businesses they interact with.

This brings us to the importance of improving and maintaining customer satisfaction to keep our business booming. By providing excellent customer service, businesses can foster a loyal customer base which will refer to their friends and colleagues and help create a positive brand image for you in the market.

With people now virtually living online, it has become essential for businesses to move along the digital path. Hence the need for customer service chatbots is not a far-fetched idea anymore. Chatbots are computer programs, more like virtual companions, that are integrated with websites or messaging apps to help businesses automate their regular tasks.

We all agree that a customer support chatbot cannot match a human being, but it is imperative for organizations to address the fact that customers today expect answers instantly and customer support teams can only attend so many customers at a given time. This is where the chatbots come in.

Chatbots replace long wait times with instant response that helps make your customer journey frictionless and pleasant. A chatbot answers the frequently asked questions and an NLP-based chatbot can also be trained to interpret and respond to custom inputs by the customer. Customer support chatbots can also re-route requests to a rep.

5 Ways Customer Support Chatbots Elevate Your Support Game

Customer support chatbots have the potential to completely transform your support. Here are the following ways in which chatbots enhance customer service in your business.

1. Round-the-clock Service

In such a highly competitive market, one cannot afford to let a single prospect go unattended. But being available 24*7 to address queries is an expensive feat to achieve.

Instead, customer support chatbots are available round the clock on your preferred channel of communication and, at the same time, are a cost-effective solution. With chatbots on your website/app, you can address customer queries even outside operational hours.

If a potential customer discovers your website late at night while surfing(which they usually do), they will still be able to interact with the chatbot and get their queries answered.

This way you can generate leads even while asleep! Customer support chatbots respond to the queries with zero waiting time, making your customer experience superior.

2. Scalability

People usually hang up on customer support calls because of the boring music playing to keep them waiting. After all, your customer service team can only cater to so many customers at a given time.

But at the same time, in the attention economy, if your customers have to wait to get even the simple answers, then they are most likely to choose your competitors.

Chatbots cater to your customers instantly. Even with hundreds of people on your website/app who need answers, a customer support bot is able to interact with each one of them at the same time. A chatbot provides immediate response, while personalizing the experience for each customer.

3. Better Engagement

There’s a reason why chatbots are called ‘chat’bots. It is because they provide a conversational warmth to the user, as if you are chatting with a friend. Chatbots are more interactive than forms or questionnaires and hence retain the attention of the user for a longer period of time.

This provides them an enriching user experience, which in turn leaves your customers happy and keeps them coming back for more.

4. Cost-effective

The scalability of customer support bots makes them a cost-effective option for customer service. Chatbots can handle multiple queries at a given time which frees up your human agents so that they can focus on complex queries. Chatbots also eliminates the need to hire more agents to cater to increasing queries on your website / preferred channel, as a bot can easily take that up.

Bots have the ability to improve workers’ productivity in businesses by providing quick solutions to customers with simple queries. Consequently, this reduces the task load of answering routine FAQs. Manpower, time, and operational costs also decrease.

5. Multi-lingual

You can grab the attention of your website visitors by interacting with them in their language. Customer support chatbots can be programmed to interact with your targeted audience in their language, by detecting their browser’s language preference.

This personalizes the experience for your customers, and at the same time allows your business to scale up to new markets.


By adding customer support chatbots into your business, you’ll be increasing your revenue, as your current employees will be given time to focus on nurturing leads and closing sales, while chatbots can act as the first line of your customer support. Positive experiences with your business encourage customers to stick around and be loyal to your brand.

We at WotNot understand that every business needs a customized solution for their customers. We develop valuable and scalable chatbots that work as personal assistants and solve varied customer problems instantly. For more information, you can contact our team or schedule a demo.


Hardik Makadia

Co-founder & CEO, WotNot

His leadership, pioneering vision, and relentless drive to innovate and disrupt has made WotNot a major player in the industry.