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WhatsApp Chatbot for HR: Top 4 Use Cases in 2024

February 1, 2023

Bhavyadeep Sinh Rathod

Content Editor, WotNot

Table of Contents

In the times when terms like “The Great Resignation,” “Quite Quitting,” “Rage Applying,” and “Layoffs” are trending, being a recruiter itself has become a huge task.  A day in the life of a recruiter has become like a roller coaster ride that is more exhausting than entertaining.

It is because it involves several tasks like:

  • Reaching out to hundreds of candidates

  • Tracking their documents

  • Scheduling interviews

  • Negotiating salary

In addition, the advent of job portals and platforms like LinkedIn has made applying for a new job just a click away for job seekers.

However, as an HR professional, your life has become harder as you still have to go through all these applications and select the right candidates, which is just like finding a needle in a haystack.

This calls for the need for automation in recruitment. And what could be better than automating the HR landscape with a WhatsApp Chatbot.

Here, you not only leverage the automation power of HR chatbots but also benefit from the popularity of WhatsApp which has around 98% open rates (which is way higher than any other medium).

WhatsApp chatbot for HR? Sounds Interesting.

But how does it work?

In this article, we are going to discuss exactly the same. Here, we will discuss the top four use cases of WhatsApp chatbot for HR in 2024.

This article is not a long read, but if you are in a real hurry and don't have much time, we have a video for you that shows all the use cases of WhatsApp chatbot for HR one by one.

Screen Candidates by Asking Qualifying Questions

If there is any process in recruitment today that badly needs automation, it is the screening round. Screening hundreds of candidates for just one or two job openings is a herculean task.

Here, the recruiter has to reach out to every candidate via call or email and ask qualifying questions to determine if they qualify for the next round or not.

In many cases, candidates don’t pick up the call or call back when the recruiter is busy interviewing other candidates. This makes it hard for the recruiter to keep track of all the candidates.

In the end, the recruiter feels frustrated and overwhelmed which affects their overall performance.

With the help of a WhatsApp chatbot, you can screen hundreds of candidates within a few seconds that would otherwise take hours for your recruiters.

The WhatsApp chatbot screens the candidate by asking all the qualifying questions (that a recruiter asks on a call) in a conversational manner.

It also scores candidates as per their responses. The candidate that crosses the cut-off score makes it to the next round.

This way, you save time and effort of your recruiters which they can use in some other key operational tasks.

Eliminate the Back and Forth in Interview Scheduling

Scheduling interviews of qualified candidates is another process that has a huge scope of automation. The major challenge in this process is to ensure that both stakeholders are available at a common time slot.

For this, the recruiter has to do several rounds of follow-ups with the candidate and interviewer asking both about their preferred availability. This process becomes tedious and time-consuming when candidates don’t pick up calls to give their availability.

WhatsApp chatbot for HR can help your team to eliminate all these hassles once and for all.

As the bot is integrated with the calendars, it has all the availability of the interviewers. This means that the calendar shows only those time slots to the candidate for which the interviewer is available, thus, solving the key issue.

Reduce Interview No-Shows

How many times has it happened that a candidate didn’t show up for the interview? Many times, right? No show-ups are frustrating not only for the recruiter but also for the interviewer.

With WhatsApp chatbot for HR, you can reduce no-shows considerably. You can send reminders to the candidates on the day or a day before confirming if they are going to join the interview or not.

And even if the candidate says NO, you can ask them the reason for the same via the bot. In addition, you can also ask them to reschedule the interview.

This would help recruiters to avoid no-showups. Moreover, it would also save their efforts that would otherwise go into calling and asking the candidates to reschedule the interview.

Fill Positions Quickly With Outbound Campaigns

Companies often run campaigns and recruitment drives to hire new workforce in their company. But the major challenge here is the outreach. Yes, you can use social media posts or post your job requirements on job portals. But nothing can beat WhatsApp’s outreach.

Yes, if you have a substantial database of past candidates, you can reach out to all of them via WhatsApp chatbot for HR.

With impressive open rates of over 70% and the popularity of the platform, WhatsApp helps you reach out to the maximum number of candidates.

You can rest assured that your message will be seen by the candidates. And if they are interested in the opening, the bot will screen them with all the qualifying questions. 


The 20s is the decade of automation. We are already witnessing automation being incorporated into different businesses for multiple use cases. And hiring space is also ready to embrace this transformation with chatbots.

So, if you are a company looking to solve its hiring woes with automation, a WhatsApp chatbot for HR is a perfect solution. To know more about it or to create a WhatsApp chatbot for your HR team, you can contact our experts or schedule a demo.


Bhavyadeep Sinh Rathod

Content Editor, WotNot

He likes technology, chatbots, comedy, philosophy, and sports. He often cracks hilarious jokes and lightens everyone's mood in the team.