Product Updates /
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Product Update - November 2022
December 13, 2022

Hardik Makadia
Co-founder & CEO, WotNot
It’s time for the product updates for the month of November. This month’s updates consist of some major as well as some minor improvements. So, without any further ado, let’s have a look at what these updates are.
To get a video walkthrough of this month’s product updates, watch this video.
Calendar Setup Location
In this update, we have changed the location of the calendar setup from the bot builder to the “User” tab.
Earlier, sales representatives had to go to the bot builder and add their respective calendars to the calendar action block. This process was quite difficult for sales people as they were not used to dealing with such a highly technical process.

Now, with the new update, any user, irrespective of their role, can connect their Google Calendar account. All they have to do is, go to Settings → User → Calendar, and fill in all the required details like:
Time Zone
With this, chatbot teams could use their team’s calendars and book meetings at various stages of the flow.
Google Calendar Improvements
With this update, we have moved from a user-based approach to an event-based approach in appointment booking. In the user-based approach, clients were able to add only an individual's calendar. This made the entire appointment booking dependent on a single person. This meant if that person was on leave, the entire booking slot wouldn’t be available for booking.

To avoid such scenarios, we adopted the event-based approach, where you have to select an event, let's say, demo booking. For this event, you can select multiple people responsible for it. Thus, even if one person is unavailable, the availability of others in the team can ensure that the slot is available for booking.
Secondly, we introduced new configurations for meetings that ensure that agents get enough time to prepare for and in between meetings. These configurations are:
Buffer Time
Adding a buffer time can ensure a minimum gap between two consecutive meetings, giving you enough time to prepare for the next meeting.
Notice Time
This feature prevents users from booking a slot instantly. With this, users can book a slot only after the notice time duration.
Assignee Name on the Popup Message
This is a pretty straightforward update where the assignee's name would appear on the pop-up message.

This would help visitors know who is sending them the message. This is helpful, especially when there is a live chat handover to a human agent from the bot.
Mobile App Details

Now, users can download our mobile app to do live chat on the go. For this, we’ve added quick links on the bottom left corner of the live chat page. On clicking this link, a popup will appear showing QR codes for Android and iOS. Scanning these QR codes will take the user to Play Store and App Store, where they can download the mobile app.
That was all for this month’s product updates. Keep reading this space as we are coming up with some big updates and improvements in December.
Hardik Makadia
Co-founder & CEO, WotNot
Hardik leads the company with a focus on sales, innovation, and customer-centric solutions. Passionate about problem-solving, he drives business growth by delivering impactful and scalable solutions for clients.