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Say hello to Analytics Dashboard 2.0

January 2, 2022

Hardik Makadia

Co-founder & CEO, WotNot

Table of Contents

It was just a regular Tuesday when we were conducting our routine feedback sessions with our customers. The team was gathering feedback and understanding the user experience when we concluded there was something common in all our conversations: our customers’ experience with the bot builder was exceptional. Obviously, we were thrilled. But it was too soon to celebrate. 

A significant number of our customers mentioned that while the bot-builder is great and the bots were doing their job, they needed help in getting better analytics of how the bots were actually performing.

That got us thinking. Ever since we launched WotNot, we’ve never really touched upon Analytics Dashboard, as we were more focused on making bot-building easier. Sure, we gave some UI changes but no major updates were made. And our goal is to be known as an end-to-end conversational platform and not just for our bot-builder. The analytics dashboard is a critical feature in our solution outlook going forward. 

Hence came the thought of a complete revamp.

So here we are. After months of research, design, and development, we are ready with the Analytics Dashboard. All our changes were categorized into the following,

You can watch the product tour of this update here:

Let’s look at each of these updates:

Improved User Experience

Analytics Dashboard being the go-to page where users would visit to make sense of the performance of their bots, we had to make sure that the KPIs were easy to understand and consume. 

The page underwent a significant design change considering we had to make room for new KPIs and features. Mainly, we categorized all the KPIs into 3 main sections, 

  1. Performance
    Showing all data related to how the bot is performing, including the ROI WotNot is bringing to you, as a customer.  

  2. Acquisition
    The count of the total number of conversations, contacts, and visitors that the bot has generated.

  3. Engagement
    How well is your bot engaging with visitors talking and when are visitors speaking with the bot the most.

New KPIs

The dashboard was previously only composed of basic KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Like the number of conversations or visitors that spoke with the bot. With this new update, we were thinking more logically about what kind of KPIs a user would really need to make sense of their bot’s performance. 

Our decision to add new KPIs stemmed from this thought. This meant gathering the right data for better decision-making. The KPIs on your analytics dashboard will now include, 

  • Business Value Generated: The total amount of business value generated by the bot.

  • Hours Saved: The total amount of hours saved by the bot.

  • Cost Saved: The total amount of cost saved by the bot.

  • CSAT Rating: Customer satisfaction rating your visitors provide at the end of a conversation. 

  • Average Conversation Duration: The average amount of time visitors spends conversing with the bot.

  • Engagement %: The percentage of conversations created after the chat widget was displayed on the webpage.

  • Conversion %: Percentage of contacts generated from the conversations handled by the bot.

  • Abandonment %: Percentage of conversations that were abandoned by the visitors and not completed.

  • Conversations Handled: The total number of conversations handled by the bot.

  • Contacts Generated: The total number of contacts generated by the bot.

  • Acquisitions by location: Shows a comparison of conversations handled and contacts generated by the bot based on the city/country.

  • Visitors: The total number of visitors that interacted with the bot.

  • Flow Engagement: It shows you the count of how many times visitors have reached a certain part of your conversation flow as well as the % exits happening at that action block. 

  • Chat engagement by the time of day & week: It helps you see when visitors engage with your chatbot the most, i.e., the time of day and day of the week.

Better Visualization of KPIs

Until now, the Analytics Dashboard reflected the numbers in a boring tabular format or in an ugly line-chart format. We have moved away from that and added KPI-specific visualization options using in the most visually appealing way possible.

Our charts look far more elegant, with data being loaded with beautiful animations. You can now click on any KPI on chatbot analytics and visualize the data in a larger chart with rich tooltips for each point, making it efficient to interpret data. 

On the detailed visualization of each KPI, we’ve also displayed some tips on how you can improve those numbers from our experience of being in this field for so many years. We’ll most likely even add video tutorials going over these things in detail.

Drill-down data further 

As a marketer, just knowing the number of visitors or the number of conversations is not enough. To design targeted campaigns, you need to learn more about your prospects, like what country they’re coming from, from what source they have landed on your website, etc. 

With this new update, we’ve introduced the concept of grouping to narrow your data collection and segregate it based on the following,

  • Location

  • Referrer

  • Webpage

  • UTM Source

  • UTM Medium

  • UTM Campaign

Coupled with our new visualization, see the data for each grouping with a different color to know precisely the contribution of a specific item on the total count. 

For example, if you are looking at the contacts generated KPI, you can group by location and know visitors from which countries/cities are converting the most to contacts. 

Note: This grouping is only available on chatbot analytics for now.

Agent Analytics 

We had launched our Live Chat 2.0 some time back, and we’ve been increasingly seeing a lot of businesses using our chatbots coupled with their team of agents to give a personalized conversation to each visitor.

This rise in the usage of Live Chat brought us to the question, why just an Analytics Dashboard for bots and not agents? And voila! The thought of developing Agent Analytics was born.

We grouped KPIs designed to view the live chat performance both at a team-level and individual agent level.

The KPIs that we designed for Agent Analytics are:

  • Currently Serving: How many chats are currently being handled by how many agents.

  • Total Served: So far, how many chats have been handled by how many agents.

  • Conversations Handled: The average number of conversations handled per agent.

  • Conversations Transfers: How many people have transferred the chat from one agent to another. 

  • Time to First Response: The amount of time the agents have taken to reply once the chat is assigned to them.

  • Usual Time to Response: The average time agents typically take to reply once the chat is assigned to them.

  • Conversation Duration: The amount of time the conversation lasts once assigned to an agent.

  • CSAT: Customer satisfaction rating your visitors provide to agents at the end of a conversation. 

On top of all these metrics, we made sure to add ROI results so that every business using WotNot is quite aware of the benefit or value that the product is bringing to their daily life. This not just helps your teams focus more on the channels that are working best for them but also acts as a business-centric way of measuring results.

We introduced two variables, i.e., “Business Value for each contact” and “Value of an hour of support,” that an admin can define in dollar terms for their account to show the returns the bot brought to them.

What’s Next? 

While working on planning for Analytics Dashboard 2.0, we came across many more KPIs that would prove useful to the end-user. As we could not plan them out in our current update, we will definitely roll them out soon. 

Those updates were,

  • Flow-based data visualization:
    Just like how one builds bots using the bot builder, you could even see the % or count of visitors moving forward through the conversation flow—making it very easy to see visitors’ journey on the chatbot.

  • AI-based insights:
    We understand that not everyone is familiar with chatbots; hence, our systems will proactively nudge users about important events and actions that need to be performed with their bot rather than having users learn about chatbots.

Hope you like our new update. Feel free to drop us your feedback at


Hardik Makadia

Co-founder & CEO, WotNot

His leadership, pioneering vision, and relentless drive to innovate and disrupt has made WotNot a major player in the industry.